Rating History
Dissemination Date Long-Term Rating Short-Term Rating Outlook Action Rating Watch
10-Jan-25 A+ A1 Stable Upgrade -
22-Jan-24 A A1 Stable Maintain -
23-Jan-23 A A1 Stable Maintain -
25-Feb-22 A A1 Stable Maintain -
26-Feb-21 A A1 Stable Upgrade -
About the Entity

Oursun Pakistan Limited, incorporated in May 2015, Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer (REIPP) operating under the RE Policy 2006 by AEDB. The total cost of the project is ~USD 62mln. Debt financing constitutes 75% of the project cost i.e. USD 46.5mln, which is financed from local and foreign financial institutions. The Company’s major sponsor is M/s Future Energy Partners (72.5%) shareholding followed Roomi Enterprises (Pvt.) Ltd (27.5%) and individuals (0.003%). The Board of Directors (BoD) of the Company, comprises three members. Mr. Jamshed Afzal has recently been appointed as the Company's Chief Executive Officer, bringing with him relevant experience in the energy sector.

Rating Rationale

Oursun Pakistan Limited (the Company) operates a 50 MW solar power plant, located in Gharo, District Thatta, Sindh. The Company's ratings are underpinned by the strong profile of its sponsors, who possess extensive experience in the power sector. Financial close was achieved in June 2017, followed by a 25-year Energy Purchase Agreement (EPA) with K-Electric Limited. The EPA, supported by guaranteed payments through an escrow mechanism, mitigates offtake risk and ensures timely payments, supporting the assigned ratings. Under the EPA terms, the power purchaser is liable to compensate for non-project missed volumes, calculated using tariff rates. However, the Company’s revenues and cash flows remain exposed to solar radiation risk, as seasonal variations in solar radiation can affect electricity generation and lead to fluctuations in cash flows. The Company operates under an upfront tariff, indexed quarterly to USD and CPI. Its business risk profile is strengthened by an O&M contract with Everone Energy Operations (Pvt.), a reputable firm with substantial expertise in the renewable energy sector. The Company also maintains comprehensive insurance coverage to mitigate the risks of business interruptions and other related damages. During FY24, the plant achieved a capacity factor of 20.2%, exceeding the required benchmark of 18%, driven by better solar radiation and enhanced operational efficiency. Total generation for the year stood at 88,262 MWh, surpassing NEPRA’s performance benchmark of 78,840 MWh. The Company’s liquidity profile remained sound during FY24, supported by healthy cash flow generation. The Company meets its working capital requirements entirely through internally generated cash flows and has not utilized any short-term borrowing facilities. Leverage indicators have improved due to the timely repayment of debt, with 53% of foreign debt and 49% of local debt repaid as of FY24, contributing to the upgrade in the assigned ratings. In compliance with financing agreements, the Company maintains a Debt Service Reserve Account (DSRA) equivalent to two quarterly debt repayments, funded from operational cash flows.

Key Rating Drivers

Additionally, unlike other Independent Power Producers (IPPs) that rely on sovereign guarantees from the Government of Pakistan (GoP) for receivables from CPPA-G, Oursun Pakistan benefits from a stable arrangement under the EPA with K-Electric, whereby the Company delivers all net generated energy at the Interconnection Point to the purchaser, ensuring reliable offtake. The ratings are contingent upon the Company's ability to maintain and improve operational performance in line with the agreed performance levels. Additionally, sustaining financial discipline remains a critical factor for the ratings. Any changes in the regulatory environment could potentially impact on the ratings going forward.


Oursun Pakistan Limited (Oursun or the Company), incorporated in May 2015, and operates under the Renewable Energy Policy 2006. Oursun has set up 50 MW Solar Power Plant at Gharo, District Thatta, Sindh, Pakistan.


Oursun opted for the Upfront Tariff for Solar Power Projects by NEPRA. The Company has a levelized generation tariff of PKR 12.6396/KWh for 25 years from commercial operation date (COD). The tariff is revised quarterly. During Oct-Dec 2024, the tariff was PKR 31.2792 Rs. /KWh (Oct-Dec 2023, PKR 34.3465 Rs./KWh).

Return on Project

The ROE of the project, as per upfront tariff issued by NEPRA, is PKR 3.7430.

Ownership Structure

Oursun’s major sponsor is M/s Future Energy Partners (72.5%), Roomi Enterprises (Pvt.) Ltd (27.5%) and individuals (0.0003%).


Stability in the IPPs is drawn from the agreements signed between the Company and power purchaser -K-Electric. The electricity generated is being sold to K- Electric Limited under a 25-year Energy Purchase Agreement (EPA).

Business Acumen

The project sponsors bring extensive local and international experience, with a proven track record of financing and managing number of power plants utilizing various commercially available technologies.

Financial Strength

Strong financial background of the sponsor will continue to provide comfort.

Board Structure

The Board of Directors (BoD) of Oursun consists of three members: Mr. Mohammad Tahir, Mr. Mohammad Aamir, and Mr. Muhammad Anees. Two board members are nominated by Future Energy Partners, while one is nominated by Roomi Enterprises Pvt. Ltd.

Members’ Profile

The board members have diversified experience of setting up and running of power plants. All board members are highly qualified and competent enough for effective leadership. Mr. Muhammad Anees is representative of Roomi Enterprises Pvt Ltd.

Board Effectiveness

Board members meet quarterly and conduct regular board discussions on need basis. There are no sub-committees; however, the board remains actively engaged in offering strategic guidance to the Company.

Financial Transparency

KPMG Taseer Hadi & Co Chartered Accountants is the external auditor of the company. The auditor gave an unqualified opinion on the Company’s financial statements for the year ended June 30, 2024.

Organizational Structure

IPPs are generally featured by a flat organizational structure, mainly comprising finance and technical staff, while the engineering, construction and operations of the plant are outsourced.

Management Team

Following the demise of Mr. Zain-ul-Abidin, Mr. Jamshed Afzal was appointed as the CEO of the Company in January 2025. Mr. Afzal has had a long-standing association with the Company and possesses extensive experience in managing its affairs, having worked closely under Mr. Zain's leadership. He is supported by a highly experienced team.


The management’s role in an IPP is confined largely to financial matters and regulatory interaction. The management tier ensures effective delegation of functional responsibility across various departments, facilitating a smooth flow of operations.

Control Environment

The company takes advantage of Global Business Management Solution Software to deliver comparatively better on many fronts. Moreover, Oursun Pakistan’s quality of the IT infrastructure and the breadth and depth of activities performed has remained well satisfactory.

Operational Risk
Power Purchase Agreement

The electricity generated is sold to Karachi Electric Limited under a 25-year Energy Purchase Agreement (EPA). According to the EPA terms, the power purchaser is obligated to compensate for non-project missed volumes, calculated based on the applicable tariff rates.

Operation and Maintenance

Oursun holds an annual renewable operations and maintenance (O&M) contract with Everone Energy Operations (Pvt.) Limited. As part of this agreement, the O&M team is allocated a standard response time of 12 non-sunlight hours to resolve any equipment issues, minimizing plant downtime. The contract also outlines specific performance benchmarks and includes provisions for liquidated damages if the actual performance ratio fails to meet the agreed standards.

Resource Risk

Oursun is situated in Gharo, District Thatta, Sindh, a location with favorable solar irradiation. Solar energy generation primarily depends on two factors: irradiation and temperature. The Company's revenues and cash flows are subject to solar radiation risk, as seasonal variations in solar irradiation can impact electricity production, resulting in fluctuations in cash flows.

Insurance Cover

The Company also maintains comprehensive insurance coverage to mitigate the risks of business interruptions and other related damages.

Performance Risk
Industry Dynamics

Owing to newly installed plants, Pakistan’s energy mix is shifting towards Solar/Gas/and coal from Furnace Oil and other expensive sources. The total generation of the country during FY24 stood at 137,196 GWh with share from Hydel (29.08%), Thermal (49.01%), Nuclear (16.88%) Imports (0.28%) and Renewable (4.75%). Out of which solar IPPs contribute around 1%


The Company energy output for FY24 and July-December 6MFY25 recorded to be 88,262 MWh and 40,994 MWh respectively, as compared to 88,600 MWh in FY23 and 40,777 MWh in 6MFY24. Based on the generation, topline in FY24 clocked to PKR: 3,121mln (FY23: 2,547mln).

Performance Benchmark

Annual benchmark energy is expected to be 78,840 MWh with the benchmark capacity factor of plant as per tariff is at 18%. The average capacity factor during FY24 remains 20.1% above the benchmark.

Financial Risk
Financing Structure Analysis

Debt financing constitutes 75% of the project cost i.e. USD 46mln. The FCY facility between the United National Bank Ltd (UK) and Oursun is for USD 13mln, priced at daily SOFAR + CAS (previously 3M LIBOR) + 4.5%. The local debt facility is between the Bank of Punjab, United Bank Limited, Askari Bank Limited and Oursun is for PKR 4,017mln (USD 21mln) at 3M KIBOR plus 3%, as per SBP REFF. The tenor is of 10 years with Quarterly debt repayments. The Company has paid around 50% of its loan. The total outstanding debt at 30 June 2024 is PKR 1.9bln from local banks and USD 6.3mln from foreign bank. The Company has paid around 50% of its loan

Liquidity Profile

As at end-June 2024, total receivables of the Company stood at PKR 721mln (FY23: PKR 734mln). Oursun has an escrow account agreement with KE to secure the receivables. The Company is also required to maintain Debt Service Reserve Account (DSRA) equivalent to two quarterly debt repayments under financing documents, this requirement is being met through cash deposit and Stand by Letter of Credit (SBLC) given from sponsors.

Working Capital Financing

The Company has been effectively managing its working capital needs, primarily related to payments to the O&M contractor, through internal cash generation supported by timely receipts from the power purchaser. To date, the Company has not utilized any working capital facilities.

Cash Flow Analysis

FCFO of the Company clocked to PKR 2,602mln in FY24 (FY23: PKR 2,152mln), supported by better generation and improved profitability. The coverages of the Company have also improved during FY24: 3.3x (FY23: 2.9x), representing a sound ability to source its debt in timely manner.


The total project cost is USD 62 million, financed through a debt-to-equity ratio of 75:25. As of FY24, the Company's leverage reduced to 40.7% from 52.4% in FY23, reflecting a strengthening capitalization structure driven by timely repayments of project-related debt. To date, the Company has neither utilized nor plans to utilize any short-term borrowing facilities in the medium term.




1. Non-Current Assets 7,040 7,376 6,975
2. Investments 0 0 0
3. Related Party Exposure 0 0 0
4. Current Assets 3,016 2,152 1,369
a. Inventories 0 0 0
b. Trade Receivables 721 734 481
5. Total Assets 10,056 9,528 8,343
6. Current Liabilities 667 786 411
a. Trade Payables 48 10 14
7. Borrowings 3,819 4,576 4,466
8. Related Party Exposure 0 0 0
9. Non-Current Liabilities 9 5 4
10. Net Assets 5,561 4,160 3,462
11. Shareholders' Equity 5,561 4,160 3,462
1. Sales 3,121 2,547 1,855
a. Cost of Good Sold (747) (626) (547)
2. Gross Profit 2,374 1,921 1,308
a. Operating Expenses (102) (69) (78)
3. Operating Profit 2,273 1,852 1,230
a. Non Operating Income or (Expense) 299 159 69
4. Profit or (Loss) before Interest and Tax 2,571 2,011 1,299
a. Total Finance Cost (821) (761) (474)
b. Taxation (97) (46) (20)
6. Net Income Or (Loss) 1,653 1,204 805
a. Free Cash Flows from Operations (FCFO) 2,602 2,152 1,550
b. Net Cash from Operating Activities before Working Capital Changes 1,803 1,418 1,105
c. Changes in Working Capital (31) (296) (191)
1. Net Cash provided by Operating Activities 1,772 1,121 914
2. Net Cash (Used in) or Available From Investing Activities 260 47 6
3. Net Cash (Used in) or Available From Financing Activities (1,337) (764) (1,310)
4. Net Cash generated or (Used) during the period 695 405 (390)
1. Performance
a. Sales Growth (for the period) 22.5% 37.3% 6.1%
b. Gross Profit Margin 76.1% 75.4% 70.5%
c. Net Profit Margin 53.0% 47.3% 43.4%
d. Cash Conversion Efficiency (FCFO adjusted for Working Capital/Sales) 82.4% 72.9% 73.2%
e. Return on Equity [ Net Profit Margin * Asset Turnover * (Total Assets/Shareholders' Equity )] 30.5% 30.8% 23.3%
2. Working Capital Management
a. Gross Working Capital (Average Days) 85 87 85
b. Net Working Capital (Average Days) 82 85 82
c. Current Ratio (Current Assets / Current Liabilities) 4.5 2.7 3.3
3. Coverages
a. EBITDA / Finance Cost 3.3 2.9 3.3
b. FCFO / Finance Cost+CMLTB+Excess STB 1.6 1.4 1.5
c. Debt Payback (Total Borrowings+Excess STB) / (FCFO-Finance Cost) 2.1 3.3 4.2
4. Capital Structure
a. Total Borrowings / (Total Borrowings+Shareholders' Equity) 40.7% 52.4% 56.3%
b. Interest or Markup Payable (Days) 0.0 0.0 0.0
c. Entity Average Borrowing Rate 19.3% 17.3% 10.9%





  1. Rating Team Statements
    1. Rating is just an opinion about the creditworthiness of the entity and does not constitute a recommendation to buy, hold, or sell any security of the entity rated or to buy, hold, or sell the security rated, as the case may be. (Chapter III; 14-3-(x))
    2. Conflict of Interest
      1. The Rating Team or any of their family members have no interest in this rating (Chapter III; 12-2-(j))
      2. PACRA, the analysts involved in the rating process, and members of its rating committee and their family members do not have any conflict of interest relating to the rating done by them (Chapter III; 12-2-(e) & (k))
      3. The analyst is not a substantial shareholder of the customer being rated by PACRA [Annexure F; d-(ii)]
      4. Explanation: for the purpose of the above clause, the term "family members" shall include only those family members who are dependent on the analyst and members of the rating committee.
  2. Restrictions
    1. No director, officer, or employee of PACRA communicates the information acquired by him for use for rating purposes to any other person, except where required under law to do so. (Chapter III; 10-(5))
    2. PACRA does not disclose or discuss with outside parties or make improper use of the non-public information which has come to its knowledge during a business relationship with the customer. (Chapter III; 10-7-(d))
    3. PACRA does not make proposals or recommendations regarding the activities of rated entities that could impact a credit rating of the entity subject to rating. (Chapter III; 10-7-(k))
  3. Conduct of Business
    1. PACRA fulfills its obligations in a fair, efficient, transparent, and ethical manner and renders high standards of services in performing its functions and obligations. (Chapter III; 11-A-(a))
    2. PACRA uses due care in the preparation of this Rating Report. Our information has been obtained from sources we consider to be reliable, but its accuracy or completeness is not guaranteed. PACRA does not, in every instance, independently verify or validate information received in the rating process or in preparing this Rating Report. (Clause 11-(A)(p))
    3. PACRA prohibits its employees and analysts from soliciting money, gifts, or favors from anyone with whom PACRA conducts business. (Chapter III; 11-A-(q))
    4. PACRA ensures before the commencement of the rating process that an analyst or employee has not had a recent employment or other significant business or personal relationship with the rated entity that may cause or may be perceived as causing a conflict of interest. (Chapter III; 11-A-(r))
    5. PACRA maintains the principle of integrity in seeking rating business. (Chapter III; 11-A-(u))
    6. PACRA promptly investigates in the event of misconduct or a breach of the policies, procedures, and controls, and takes appropriate steps to rectify any weaknesses to prevent any recurrence, along with suitable punitive action against the responsible employee(s). (Chapter III; 11-B-(m))
  4. Independence & Conflict of Interest
    1. PACRA receives compensation from the entity being rated or any third party for the rating services it offers. The receipt of this compensation has no influence on PACRA’s opinions or other analytical processes. In all instances, PACRA is committed to preserving the objectivity, integrity, and independence of its ratings. Our relationship is governed by two distinct mandates: i) rating mandate - signed with the entity being rated or issuer of the debt instrument, and ii) fee mandate - signed with the payer, which can be different from the entity.
    2. PACRA does not provide consultancy/advisory services or other services to any of its customers or their associated companies and associated undertakings that are being rated or have been rated by it during the preceding three years, unless it has an adequate mechanism in place ensuring that the provision of such services does not lead to a conflict of interest situation with its rating activities. (Chapter III; 12-2-(d))
    3. PACRA discloses that no shareholder directly or indirectly holding 10% or more of the share capital of PACRA also holds directly or indirectly 10% or more of the share capital of the entity which is subject to rating or the entity which issued the instrument subject to rating by PACRA. (Chapter III; 12-2-(f))
    4. PACRA ensures that the rating assigned to an entity or instrument is not affected by the existence of a business relationship between PACRA and the entity or any other party, or the non-existence of such a relationship. (Chapter III; 12-2-(i))
    5. PACRA ensures that the analysts or any of their family members shall not buy, sell, or engage in any transaction in any security which falls in the analyst’s area of primary analytical responsibility. This clause, however, does not apply to investments in securities through collective investment schemes. (Chapter III; 12-2-(l))
    6. PACRA has established policies and procedures governing investments and trading in securities by its employees and for monitoring the same to prevent insider trading, market manipulation, or any other market abuse. (Chapter III; 11-B-(g))
  5. Monitoring and Review
    1. PACRA monitors all the outstanding ratings continuously, and any potential change therein due to any event associated with the issuer, the security arrangement, the industry, etc., is disseminated to the market immediately and in an effective manner after appropriate consultation with the entity/issuer. (Chapter III; 17-(a))
    2. PACRA reviews all the outstanding ratings periodically on an annual basis. Provided that public dissemination of annual review and in an instance of change in rating will be made. (Chapter III; 17-(b))
    3. PACRA initiates an immediate review of the outstanding rating upon becoming aware of any information that may reasonably be expected to result in downgrading of the rating. (Chapter III; 17-(c))
    4. PACRA engages with the issuer and the debt securities trustee to remain updated on all information pertaining to the rating of the entity/instrument. (Chapter III; 17-(d))
  6. Probability of Default
    1. PACRA’s Rating Scale reflects the expectation of credit risk. The highest rating has the lowest relative likelihood of default (i.e., probability). PACRA’s transition studies capture the historical performance behavior of a specific rating notch. Transition behavior of the assigned rating can be obtained from PACRA’s Transition Study available at our website. (www.pacra.com) However, the actual transition of rating may not follow the pattern observed in the past. (Chapter III; 14-3(f)(vii))
  7. Proprietary Information
    1. All information contained herein is considered proprietary by PACRA. Hence, none of the information in this document can be copied or otherwise reproduced, stored, or disseminated in whole or in part in any form or by any means whatsoever by any person without PACRA’s prior written consent.

